
Transducers是一些组合起来的算法转换,它是把数据的输入输出转换从数据结构解耦的一种方法。解耦之后这些数据就可以自由的重用和组合。可以用于不同的数据流处理:collections, streams, channels, observables.





Here’s a visualisation to show the difference between array built-ins and transducers.

1 chained built-in transformations create intermediate arrays

2 transduced transformations process items one by one into output array


What's a Transducer?

Transducers are functions that accept a reducing function and return a reducing function.

A reducing function is just the kind of function you'd pass to reduce - it takes a result so far and a new input and returns the next result-so-far. In the context of transducers it's best to think about this most generally:

;;reducing function signature
whatever, input -> whatever

and a transducer is a function that takes one reducing function and returns another:

;;transducer signature
(whatever, input -> whatever) -> (whatever, input -> whatever)



(transduce xform f coll) (transduce xform f init coll)

如果没有init, 会直接调用(f) 来创建init. f 必须是一个reducing函数,可以接收一个或者两个参数。如果f仅仅支持两个参数,那我们可以使用completing函数为f添加一个arity-1参数函数, completing默认添加的是([x] (identity x))的arity-1函数, 像 reduce 一样依次将init和coll里面的第一个元素,传入xform中进行处理, 处理结果会经过 f reducing函数进行连接。 如果coll是空的,就直接返回init值,(f函数不会被调用),

(def xform
    (map inc)
    (filter even?)

(transduce xform conj [] (range 10))

在transduce中, xform的执行顺序是从左到右,(原生comp是从右到左)。

(def xf
    (filter odd?)
    (take 10)))

(transduce xf conj (range))
=> [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19]

(transduce xf + (range))
=> 100

; ... with an ini
(transduce xf + 17 (range))
=> 117

(transduce xf str (range))
=> "135791113151719"

(transduce xf str "..." (range))
=> "...135791113151719"


(def xf
    (map inc)
    (filter even?)))

(transduce xf conj [] (range 10))
=> [2 4 6 8 10]


1 函数嵌套

(filter even? (map inc (range 10)))
=> (2 4 6 8 10)
; 会创建中间的collection, 并且有两次循环

2 使用->>

(->> (range 10)
     (map inc)
     (filter even?))
=> (2 4 6 8 10)
; 会创建中间的collection, 并且有两次循环

3 使用comp (comp执行的顺序是从右向左)

    (partial filter even?)
    (partial map inc)) 
  (range 10))
=> (2 4 6 8 10)
; 会创建中间的collection,并且有两次循环


1 使用reduce实现一个(map inc)

(map inc (range 10))
=> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

(defn map-inc
  [result i]
  (conj result (inc i)))

(reduce map-inc [] (range 10))
=> [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

2 使用reduce实现一个(filter even?)

(filter even? (range 10))
=> (0 2 4 6 8)

(defn filter-even?
  [result i]
  (if (even? i)
    (conj result i)

(reduce filter-even? [] (range 10))
=> [0 2 4 6 8]

我们像(map inc) (filter even?) 一样,单独实现mapfilter,然后把inceven?按需要传入进去。 我们可以这么写

(defn map-func
  [f result i]
  (conj result (f i)))

但是这么写有个问题,就是不符合reducing function,无法配合reduce进行使用reducing function智能接收一个或者两个参数。 所以只能这么写

(defn map-func
  (fn [result i]
    (conj result (f i))))

((map-func inc) [] 2)
=> [3]

(reduce (map-func inc) [] (range 10))
=> [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

; 切换自己想要的函数
(reduce (map-func -) [] (range 10))
=> [0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9]

同样的来实现(filter even?)

(defn filter-func
  (fn [result i]
    (if (pred i)
      (conj result i)

((filter-func even?) [] 2)
=> 2

(reduce (filter-func even?) [] (range 10))
=> [0 2 4 6 8]

; 切换自己想要的pred函数
(reduce (filter-func odd?) [] (range 10))
=> [1 3 5 7 9]

现在我们的map-funcfilter-func都是用conj来做reducing function, 那么如果我们想变为可切换reducing function,可以把conj切换+或者别的reducing function,这样我们就需要把conj作为一个参数传入进去,变成:((map-func inc) conj)

(defn map-func
  (fn [reducing]
    (fn [result i]
      (reducing result (f i))

(((map-func inc) conj) [] 1)
=> [2]
; 换为不同的reducing function
(((map-func inc) +) 0 1)
=> 2
(((map-func inc) +) 1 1)
=> 3
(((map-func inc) str) "0" 1)
=> "02"

filter-func也改为((filter-func even?) conj)

(defn filter-func
  (fn [reducing]
    (fn [result i]
      (if (pred i)
        (reducing result i)

(((filter-func even?) conj) [] 1)
=> []
(((filter-func even?) conj) [] 2)
=> [2]
(((filter-func even?) +) 10 2)
=> 12
(((filter-func even?) str) "0" 2)
=> "02"

现在我们可以使用map-funcfilter-func,同时随心所欲指定自己想要的数据处理函数和自己的reducing function,而且通过上面对((map-func inc) conj)函数和((filter-func even?) conj)函数顶使用可以发现,他们两个也是reducing function,接收两个参数,然后返回一个结果。所以我们可以把它们都当做reducing function来使用。

(reduce ((map-func inc) conj) [] (range 10))
=> [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

(reduce ((map-func inc) str) "" (range 10))
=> "12345678910"

(reduce ((filter-func even?) conj) [] (range 10))
=> [0 2 4 6 8]

(reduce ((filter-func even?) str) "" (range 10))
=> "02468"

(map-func inc)(filter-func even?) 就是 transducer 函数,它们接收一个reducing函数,然后返回一个reducing函数。

如果我们这么用会发生什么事情呢?((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) conj)), 把((filter-func even?) conj)当做reducing function来使用,并且用在((map-func inc) conj)函数中,替换conj函数。

(((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) conj)) [] 0)
=> []
(((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) conj)) [] 1)
=> [2]
(((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) conj)) [2] 2)
=> [2]
(((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) conj)) [2] 3)
=> [2 4]

((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) conj))同样还是一个reducing function,所以我们可以这么用

(reduce ((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) conj)) [] (range 10))
=> [2 4 6 8 10]
(reduce ((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) str)) "" (range 10))
=> "246810"
(reduce ((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) +)) 0 (range 10))
=> 30


(defn xform
    (map-func inc)
    (filter-func even?)))

((xform conj) [] 1)
=> [2]
((xform conj) [2] 2)
=> [2]
((xform conj) [2] 3)
=> [2 4]

(reduce (xform conj) [] (range 10))
=> [2 4 6 8 10]

(reduce (xform str) "" (range 10))
=> "246810"

(reduce (xform +) 0 (range 10))
=> 30

conj传入xform中时,是从右向左执行的,conj先作为函数(filter-func even?)和参数执行,执行结果为((filter-func even?) conj),然后这个执行结果传入(map-func inc)函数作为参数,执行结果为((map-func inc) ((filter-func even?) conj)),因为((filter-func even?) conj)是作为reducing function作为函数(map-func inc)的参数,内部为(conj result (inc i))所以会先执行(inc i),然后才执行(filter-func even?),最后才执行最初指定的reducing function函数conj。所以最终数据处理的顺序变为从左到右的执行了,先进行了map-funcinc,然后进行了filter-funceven?,如果每一步都执行,那么就返回结果collection,如果even?这里判断不通过,就返回原collection。这个执行过程没有中间变量产生,并且只有reduce一次循环。


2019-01-14 06:35
